Tour De Concerts Part 1: Russell Dickerson

Last week was pretty dope. I haven’t had a week packed full of music in Nashville since….forever. Last week I was fortunate enough to attend three shows, all totally different. And I only paid for ONE


Ok, let’s start with Tuesday night. Russell Dickerson. I’ve known Russell through church for about a year. He’s a singer/songwriter by profession, specializing in country music. I had never heard anything other than praise and worship on a Sunday afternoon in the chapel. Imagine my surprise when I opened my day planner and saw his name scribbled under the date. Of course I had totally forgotten about this show, per usual. I would’ve never read that reminder if I didn’t have to jot down the address of a job interview. Thank you job hunt! Tuesday was my first time stepping foot inside 3rd & Lindsley. I was supposed to see my love Lianne La Havas there a few months ago, but I missed out on the tickets. *wipes away a single tear* It’s one of those “eat  and drink while enjoying a show” type of places, but without the pressure of a minimum. *glares at Jazz N Jokes ole $10 minimum having…* Nevermind that.

Russell walked out right on time with all his country rocker swag and band in tow. After a warm greeting, he went straight into the first song. Is four guitars and drums typical for a country set? I’m not sure, but what I do know is the sound was amazing!

“Green Light”, the second song, was by far my favorit. The smooth chorus made me hit an ill R&B body roll without even trying. Reflexes. And then he stransitioned from the chorus into Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us” and back again and It Was Flawless. Looooved IIIIIITTT!!!

Next was “Living Without You”, a new song, (all of them were new to me) and I witnessed this:



Yes, his guitar is laying down. Tell me that isn’t dope! Like, is there a kick stand on that joint? I should have stuck around after the show to ask him how this worked.

Russell gave us deep voice country, reminiscent of Dirks Bentley “Come A Little Closer” the slow “Read My Lips”. Between me and you, I think he wrote that one after he got married.

The coolest thing about his show was his “tradition”. As an up and coming artist, it’s essential to keep your name out there as much as possible. Every show  Russell asks that everyone twitpic or instagram with the caption “Gettin @Russelled”. How clever!20131120-132114.jpg

Overall. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Thank you Russell for having a free show for us Nashville folks! Needless to say, I’m all for paying to see you in the future!

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