Have You Missed Me?

I haven’t been producing any content for my corner of wordpress for the past few weeks. I wish I could say that it’s because I’ve been so busy doing all types of great things. Truthfully, I’ve been doing the same things as usual. It seems that I haven’t been able to churn out any material that I’d deem quality. I’ve scribbled over more words in the past month than I’ve written in the past six. I don’t feel like I’m exploring my ideas enough. I’m not even trying to become some profound blogger. I just don’t publish crap. I’ve been writing crap. I’m going to try to write myself through this drought, and will be back over in this neck of the woods when I start producing B.Renee gold. In the meantime, I’ve started a tumblr and discontinued A Song For Saturday. All (most) things music related can be found HERE.

I’ll be back soon with my opinion on some random topic. I promise

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